Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Pope vs The Bard

2 weeks and counting.

Now is when the excitement begins to build. And, as it happens for me, when the drama starts to shake out of the woodwork.

From the very beginning, we told my very-Catholic parents that religion was not something we were interested in for our ceremony - spirituality, yes. Religion, no. We compromised though and asked a friend of the family - studying to be an Episcopalian minister - to perform our ceremony. She knew the desires of both my parents and us and was able to work up a script that include "God" and "Creator" references without the specific dogma references of Catholicism. We thought everyone would be happy.

Well. Until it came time to hand out the readings.

We decided to have literary & musical lyric readings (something my mother knew was an option for quite some time) and after sending them out, she inquired as to where the Bible passage was that she could read.

After some shuffling back and forth and attempting to create an explanation, my fiance came up with a compromise that worked fabulously for us:
He invited my mother to find a Bible passage that she liked which she could then be responsible for reading at the ceremony.
Then we would not have the headache of searching for something we didn't want, we would not feel like our ceremony had been altered if it was coming from her, and she would still get to feel as though we were having a "proper" ceremony.

While this solution may not be ideal for everyone, it has certainly alleviated a lot of stress on our end!

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